Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Wee-wind Wednesday

I am so proud of my mother. My never-having-left-the-USA-very-content-staying-in-America-forever mother has now, on my behalf left the USA three times.

Okay, let's be honest. The attempts mostly had to do with my kids.

But still.

She has now left. (Not yipee!)

My mother-in-law is here. (Yipee!)

So in honor of my mom's trip across the Atlantic, I have decided to flashback to her two other trips overseas.

The first was here visit to see us in Turkey. Joni went with her. Click here for a review. This was in 2010.

And the next was her visit to see us in while we were "storknesting" in Germany -- waiting not-so-patiently for Abigail to make her debut. Click here for a review. This was in 2011.

I love you mom. I'll miss you. I'm so proud of you for making that trip all by yourself!

In just a few months we'll never be separated by oceans again!


Anonymous said...

So incredibly proud of your mama!! I knew she could do it and I knew her time with you and the kids would be so wonderful. God is so good!!

Love you!
Julie E

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the USA!!!! I am so thankful that you will be moving this direction and we won't have oceans between us. So thankful for the opportunity! What an amazing beautiful place.
I did get some interesting perspectives that I have been processing and may share later.
God is so good to me. I never would have thought I'd have an opportunity like this. I am glad to live in the states tho! Mom H