Monday, September 12, 2011

Where I am

I want to try to describe how I am feeling right now so that sometime, in the future, someone can re-read these posts and recognize themselves in me. But it is so hard to write right now. And even harder to write about how I am feeling.

But let me try.

One of the most difficult things for me right now is social situations. I am usually okay in my immediate social circle, but even then, it feels like it is taking everything out of me to have a conversation. For those of you who know me in real life, you know that talking is not usually an issue for me. I talk quite well and quite a lot.

Get me outside of my immediate circle, and I nearly freeze, and this makes leaving my house difficult on a Base this small. We made the decision not to attend the big base "Gala" this coming weekend because it would require me to talk to so many people that I don't know very well. If I lived somewhere more anonymous, I could go out and run ten errands and not have to give more than a polite nod or smile to anyone. But here, on this Base, everywhere you go you see people you know. All the time. You know the people who work at the grocery store. And you know the people who are shopping with you. Small talk is nearly inevitable. And small talk is so hard for me right now.

I am not completely avoiding social situations. I need to get my boys out to play and so I will go and do things. But they are difficult, and I usually return exhausted. My dearest friends here all know how I am feeling. They are an amazing support. They are nudging me to get out but understanding when I cannot. They are forgiving and understanding and compassionate and patient. They are vital to me getting better.

I go through periods where I am crying a lot for no reason at all. Sometimes I will go a whole day without crying and sometimes I cry most of the day. It just depends. Fatigue seems to make the feelings of crying worse.

I feel anxious but not for any reason I can put my finger on. I feel easily frustrated. I feel like I am moving in slow motion. I don't feel that laughter comes easily, even when something seems worthy of laughter.

We have chosen to combat this on a variety of fronts. Prayer and scripture is a big one although I could definitely be doing a better job on that front. I have started counseling with a wonderful gal on Base. I have also started medication. We decided that since breast feeding was already not going well, we wouldn't take the risks associated with medication while breast feeding, and I have stopped breastfeeding. This was difficult for me emotionally, but together John and I decided that this was the best way for us to do things. I wanted to breastfeed longer, but I am happy that I was able to do so for two months. I felt like I was doing Abigail a disservice to stop breastfeeding, but her not having the best of me is also a disservice to her. JB and the boys also suffer from not having me at my best.

I do not think the boys are acutely aware that I am struggling. I do not cry in front of them and continue to go through the mom-motions: reading books, caring for them, playing with them, hugging them, etc. But the actions feel forced and not genuine. I describe it as being a robot. I am doing all the things I normally do, but my heart is not in it, fully. And I want to feel my heart in these things. I want to do them and enjoy doing them. 

Abigail has been smiling at me and it is warming my heart. But not as much as I know it should because I am so sad. I am hopeful that through counseling, medication, and prayer, I will be myself in no time. It can take a few weeks to start feeling better, and I am trusting that this will happen soon.

I do not anyone to misunderstand my sadness for being ungrateful. I love my children beyond words. They (and JB) are why I know I need to get better as soon as possible. I am so unbelievably thankful to be their mom. I am so unbelievably blessed that they were given to me. I do not feel any negative feelings toward them. I just feel fatigue and sadness and that effects my ability TO care for them. I hope that makes sense.

I am not keeping this a secret although it is not information I am offering readily. Like I said, only a few people on Base read my blog and those individuals are ones that I trust with this information. I share it in person if I feel it is important. But to those of you who follow me online, I feel the Lord nudging me to share the details of how I am feeling. I want future moms struggling with post-partum depression or just people struggling with depression in general, not to feel alone or different.


Unknown said...

I so know what you are going through. I felt so guilty for not being over-joyed with my second child. But it gets better. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. Just know you are not alone! Praying for you and your family.

Joy Z said...

You are doing all the right things. I am so very thankful that you have support and are getting the help you need. I love you my friend!

"I would have despaired if I had not believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord, let your heart take courage and wait for the Lord". Psalm 27:13

Anonymous said...

I struggled with some of what your going thru but felt that if I told anyone that they would think that I wasn't a good mother and take my children away. Getting help is definitly the right thing to do. I have started to tell my husband when I am feeling down and dark. He says that when the lies in my head start up, to stop, take a deep breath and start listing every thing great and good in my life out loud. That has helped me so much. I have been reading your blog for quite awhile now and I have seen that you and your family have experienced alot of difficult things and top stressers in your life. You are simply amazing for being real and open with your blogging audience. Thank you for not always showing the daisies and the rose colored vision of life.

June said...

I think PPD after long-term infertility also will throw you for a loop. And stopping breastfeeding - when I weaned my first (also for medical reasons), she was 15 mo old. I had gotten her down to a single 5- or 10-min feed, once a day, and yet going from that to stopping altogether made me incredibly sad, guilty, easily upset about everything, etc. I blame that on hormones, too. So I think you are dealing with a lot. Please take it easy on yourself. Don't worry about the cognitive dissonance that you're feeling right now, no one doubts your love for your children or how you truly feel about the privilege of parenting.

Brittny said...

I will definitely be praying for you! I know exactly what you are going through because I have been there before. But you already know this. You have amazing support in John and your friends and your family. I'm proud of you for talking about this and letting others know they are NOT ALONE!!! There is nothing worse than going through a difficult time and feeling alone because nobody else will admit that life is just really and truly challenging. I know you will come through this and I love you and could not be more proud of you and the woman that you are!!!

Anonymous said...

Love you Wendi! Mothering little ones is exhausting! I will pray for you more often. Hang in there! Love, Sarah

Faith said...

You are right, you WILL get better - you will feel joy in those tasks again. This is so hard, I can just read your sorrow in your post. You are doing all the right things to kick this thing, and you WILL. I'm keeping you in my thoughts...

Anonymous said...

this made me think of something I read on my daughter's facebook page: Tired. I don't think I can handle being friendly to this many new people--kindergarten/preschool parents/teachers/administrators, my own new students, Spanish up, women's Bible study and ballet people. Maybe I'll bring my pepper spray. :)

I don't know if you can get any books out there easily or if you'd like me to send you one that really helped me -a wonderful little simple, easy read booklet called Good Grief by Granger Westberg. If you'd like me to send, just let me know..otherwise just know I'm praying xo Tante Jan