Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Chubby belly chicken

Today while eating lunch in the food court, Elijah decided to try and shove his chicken into my mouth. He was giggling and hoping I'd try to snag a bite.

"You put that chicken into your tummy," I said as I told him I didn't want any.

He smiled, stood up on his chair, lifted up his shirt, and pushed that piece of chicken right into his chubby belly.

I think that is called taking me too literally?


Sophia said...

Haha...too funny!

AW said...

Hahahaha! I love stuff like this. Cute.

When JK was potty-training, N explained to him the process of food going in your mouth, down to your tummy and coming out at poop. The look on JK's face was priceless. He was COMPLETELY blown away with the new knowledge. LOLOL!