Monday, August 16, 2010

HHG due to arrive!

I'm sitting on the tile floor in the corner of our soon-to-be playroom because, well, we don't have any furniture. We don't have any furniture because the loaner people picked it up this morning. They picked it up because our HHG are due in sometime today! We can't wait!

Each few days since we had our truck packed up, Isaac becomes obsessed with a different item that was packed up that he doesn't have. The last two weeks, he has become very focused on his piggy bank and car bank from Papa and Grama Di. Whenever we have extra change lying around, we bring out the banks and let the boys load them up with coins.

This morning when the loaner truck pulled up, Isaac walked up to the first guy through the door and said: "Meerhaba!" He paused only briefly before saying, "Do you have my piggy bank?"

While the guy spoke some English, he did not speak enough to understand this question. JB stepped in, explaining to Isaac that this truck was picking up our loaner furniture. The next truck would be bringing the piggy bank.

We didn't even want to attempt to explain to him how long it might take to find that piggy bank amidst all the boxes that are due in.

P.S. No word yet on our UB. Hopefully it will be in by week's end. We got word the middle of last week that it is in the country, and they say it takes about a week to get from port to front door. We'll see.

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