Monday, May 10, 2010


I've been married to my husband since 1998. We've been together since 1993. Eighteen years, and I never knew he could do a back flip off a swing. Later I asked him how he learned to do this. He started to say something and then stopped. When I encouraged him to tell me he said, "Well, honestly, it's just physics. If you think of it like physics, it really isn't scary at all."

I really have no idea what that means, but, okay, I'll go with it.

Either way, is this what your doctor is doing in his spare time?


Jess said...

I really want a video. Seriously, I do.

AW said...

Either way, is this what your doctor is doing in his spare time?

Hahaha! I hope so. My doctor is in his mid/late 50's, spry, ornery, and can tell a joke without anyone realizing he's cracking a joke. (Very dry sense of humor.)

I love my doctor! I hope he's doing stuff like this on his time off. The thought of it makes me like him that much more.

AW said...

And I wouldn't mind a video myself. :-)

Joy Z said...

This really made me laugh out loud! It really is just physics.....hahahaha! I wish I had such faith in physics at my age. Maybe when I was 10, but not anymore, no thank you!

Anonymous said...

oh this is tooo funny! and john's answer is too! I know why he and Oom Ed click! :) Tante Jan
I wish i could share it on my fb page!

Blessed Blackman Bunch said...

I am w/you...NO idea what that means! :)

OUR family dr. enjoys roller coasters in his his spare time. We just learned this when looking at a pic of him about 35 feet up in the air! He LOVES them.

I, too, would enjoy a video! :)